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One good thing came out of the pandemic for Garrett & Lindsey- each other! It’s no secret that the number of relationships coming from dating apps in 2020 was unprecedented, and I’m just grateful to have witnessed this one! Just spend 2 minutes with Lindsey and Garrett and you can feel their chemistry! These two […]

Subiaco Abbey Wedding Garrett & Lindsey

October 26, 2022

Open Post

This absolutely stunning Downtown Little Rock Elopement has been YEARS in the making! William was in the Navy, stationed in Germany, when he met beautiful Linda. It took me all of 10 seconds to see how they were attracted to each other so quickly, and have made an overseas-long-distance relationship work for so long! Linda […]

July 17, 2022

Open Post

The lifestyle newborn session was a light and airy photographer’s dream!! The Fendley’s home looks like something straight out of a magazine, and definitely “Pinterest-worthy!” Lauren designed all of the elements of baby Beau’s nursery to reflect their family history, their faith, and her love for interior design. Beau was a little angel baby for […]

Light and Airy Lifestyle Newborn Photos Fendley Family

July 8, 2022